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RubyCalc 1.0.4

RubyCalc : an application, a service and a widget


Google can be used as a calculator really handier than the Calculator application of MacOS X.
But what if you are not connected to the Internet ? Did you already need a quick, light, and free calculator able to:

  • use numbers arbitrarily long (more than 10 figures...) ?
  • type long expressions with parenthesis but without mistake ?
  • easily mix numbers in different basis (binary, decimal, hexadecimal...) ?

RubyCalc may be what you are looking for. It supplies an application with its service, and a widget.

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Icône RubyCalc

Caution : Rubycalc is using the Ruby language to perform the computations. The Ruby language have some specificities that you should be aware of, otherwise you may not understand the results.

  • Integer divisions : 5/2 = 2 (remaining 1 = 5%2); but 5/2.0 = 2.5
  • Power : 5^2 = 7 (binary exclusive OR operation) but 5**2 = 25 (power)

Please refere to a Ruby documentation if you have any doubt.

RubyCalc 1.0.4 (1.2 MB) (10th April 2008)

For MacOS 10.3.9 (Panther) or above (MacOS 10.4.3 for the widget)

What's new ?

  • Fixed an incompatibility of the Widget with MacOS 10.5 Leopard;
  • Better handling of Service shortcut change.

Older versions

RubyCalc 1.0.3 (1.2 MB) (24th February 2007)

For MacOS 10.3.9 (Panther) or above (MacOS 10.4.3 for the widget)

What's new ?

  • Fixed a bug related to decimal point on english systems: spaces were required around operators;
  • The website access from within the software was limited to the english page;
  • Minor interfaces tweaks.

RubyCalc 1.0.2 (1.2 MB) (23th February 2007)

For MacOS 10.3.9 (Panther) or above (MacOS 10.4.3 for the widget)

  • Added OgreKit license file in the disk image;
  • Fixed portability issue with MacOS 10.3.9;
  • Fixed widget decimal separator preference not working;
  • Minor interfaces tweaks.

RubyCalc 1.0.1 (1.2 MB) (23th February 2007)

For MacOS 10.3 (Panther) or above (MacOS 10.4.3 for the widget)

  • Added automatic conversion of the decimal separator, when international preferences do not use the dot like in Ruby; (credits to OgreKit).
  • More robust widget in case of syntax error.

RubyCalc 1.0.0 (488 Ko) (12th February 2007)

For MacOS 10.3 (Panther) or above (MacOS 10.4.3 for the widget)

  • First public release